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Mandolin SlicerThis kitchen tool has endless uses due to it’s different sized inserts for slices. Thin or thick, I couldn’t do without it.

As a side note- if you’re purchasing a mandolin, get a good one. Don’t cheap out because it simply won’t last and can actually be dangerous.

I bought mine at Mingo Wo in Vancouver and I believe it was about $55.00.

You can find expensive or cheap mandolin’s online. Stay away from the cheap ones. They will frustrate you to no end. A good middle of the road one will serve you well, like this Super Benriner Mandolin Slicer at Amazon.

Mandolin Recipes

Here’s a couple recipes where the mandolin is a great tool to use;

Really any recipe where you need to slice or shred vegetables into even sizes can be done using the mandolin.

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