Sea Salt
If you’re a bit of a “foodie” then chances are you wouldn’t even consider anything other than fresh ground pepper. That delicious smell as you twist the pepper mill….. never would you consider that crappy powdered stuff, right? So then why are you using that boxed and chemically enhanced salt? It makes no sense to me.
Get yourself a big bag of course sea salt and grind it smooth in a spice grinder (or, in your coffee grinder if you’re like me) I keep a good quantity of it in a crock by the stove at all times and simply grind more as I need it.
Keep in mind though, if you have a large quantity of it ground remember to only grab a pinch with CLEAN HANDS and if you don’t use all that you grab, don’t put it back in the crock as you can contaminate the whole thing.
Trust me…. you will taste the difference.
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